Dear citizen, Dear artist, Dear activist, The scientific community and the media are increasingly telling us that we might enjoy healthier and longer lives thanks to medical progress. This is great and we want more people to be involved to promote longevity. The future can be bright and healthy. However describing something potentially beautiful is …...
Enzymes like Telomerase and Resveratrol, though not the Fountain of Youth unto themselves, offer tantalizing clues to how we might someday soon unravel the aging process. On the question to Michio Kaku: “Do you think the enzyme Telomerase could be used to reverse the aging process in our lifetime? by Paul Cellura. Michio Kaku answered: Telomerase …...
A Super Longevity conference is happening in New Delhi from October 3rd to October 4th, at Indian Habitat Center this year 2015. Eminent speakers from around the world are going to speak at the conference and the conference aims to discuss about topics related to not only anti-aging, but also cyborgism, transhumanism, life extension and …...
A crowd funding campaign was run by Maria Konovalenko to raise funds for a Longevity Cook Book. As the name suggests, the book aims to tell people about scientific approaches to Longevity. It will provide a longevity diet and provide recipes using life-extending products. As expected, she was able to raise the full fund needed …...
Aging is the primary risk factor for cognitive decline, an emerging health threat to aging societies worldwide. Whether anti-aging factors such as klotho can counteract cognitive decline is unknown. Scientists shows that a lifespan-extending variant of the human KLOTHO gene, KL-VS, is associated with enhanced cognition in heterozygous carriers. Because this allele increased klotho levels in serum and …...