H+: The Digital Series is a web series produced by Bryan Singer and created by John Cabrera and Cosimo De Tommaso. The series is based on the subject of Transhumanism. This series is talk about future where one-third of the world’s population has an implanted computer based chip, named H+. It connect each implanted human …...
Dear citizen, Dear artist, Dear activist, The scientific community and the media are increasingly telling us that we might enjoy healthier and longer lives thanks to medical progress. This is great and we want more people to be involved to promote longevity. The future can be bright and healthy. However describing something potentially beautiful is …...
What would you see and experience if the clocks rolled forward 50 years? In a unique blend of drama and science, this three-part series shows you the world of tomorrow. Will we have flying cars? Will advances in medicine help us stay young forever? What about “printing” custom-made vital organs? What will our cities look …...