India Future Society

  • An interactive 3D infographic of Brain

    Oct 22, 13 • BrainNo Comments
    An interactive 3D infographic of Brain

    The brain is an organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals—only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have one, even if diffuse neural tissue is present. It is located in the head, usually close to the primary …...

  • Low-Cost Solar Installation…Worldwide

    Oct 20, 13 • Energy, GeneralNo Comments
    Low-Cost Solar Installation…Worldwide

    GRID Alternatives just one of several companies that installs solar energy systems on low incomes houses in California, Colorado, and soon in New York and New Jersey.  Take a look at this staggering statistic: “Once the solar system is installed, the home owner pays for GRID two cents for        every kilowatt-hour that the …...

  • Next Stage in our Evolution?…Advanced Human Enhancement!

    Next Stage in our Evolution?…Advanced Human Enhancement!

    It is October 2013 and we as a species rely entirely on the use of enhancing objects, environments, and ourselves.  There are many forms of human enhancement that already exists within the realms of medicine, religion, athletic performance, surgery, prosthetics , cryonics, etc.  This aspect of our daily lives will continue to increase its percentage …...

  • Google and NASA announced Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

    Google and NASA announced Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

    “A quantum computer (also known as a quantum supercomputer) is a computation device that makes direct use of quantum-mechanicalphenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from digital computers based ontransistors. Whereas digital computers require data to be encoded into binary digits (bits), quantum computation uses quantum properties …...

  • Is it the possible designs for Trans-Species ?

    Oct 13, 13 • DesignNo Comments
    Is it the possible designs for Trans-Species ?

    Some people think it’s one of the weirdest book entitled “Codex Seraphinianus“, published in 1981 by the Italian Industrial Designer Luigi Serafini . This book contains unrealistic design and written in strange alien alphabet. When I saw this book I was forced to think that, Is this book trying to show a Future of Trans- Species or possibly an …...

  • Self-powered Electrical Generators: A reality before 2050

    Oct 6, 13 • General2 Comments
    Self-powered Electrical Generators: A reality before 2050

    A solar panel on the roof, absorbs light from the sun to produce electricity, sufficient to power the home, and charge a battery in a generator. When rain clouds impede the sunlight or when nightfalls, the battery powered generator is automatically switched on, to power the home, and also power-up its own battery, so that …...

  • Transhumanism and Powerlifting: Don’t Be An H+ Poser

    Sep 24, 13 • General3 Comments
    Transhumanism and Powerlifting: Don’t Be An H+ Poser

    About a year ago, I heard a Transhumanist opine: “If you’re into Transhumanism and you’re not doing anything to improve your body and be in the best shape you can be in, you’re just a POSER.” Futurist, science writer, and ethicist, George Dvorsky, put it more diplomatically: “If you call yourself a Transhumanist, but you’re not …...

  • The Rise of The New Productive Communes: A Reality by the Year 2050

    Sep 21, 13 • Community4 Comments
    The Rise of The New Productive Communes: A Reality by the Year 2050

    The concept of communal living and existence of communes are definitely not new or innovative sounding, for they have been around since ancient times throughout all ages and phases of human existence. And they have worked. However, these are not common today, except in certain nomadic or small religious communities, that are either founded on …...

  • Google announces Calico, a new company for Longevity

    Sep 18, 13 • Longevity1 Comment
    Google announces Calico, a new company for Longevity

    Google today announced Calico, a new company that will focus on health and well-being, in particular the challenge of aging and associated diseases. Arthur D. Levinson, Chairman and former CEO of Genentech and Chairman of Apple, will be Chief Executive Officer and a founding investor. Announcing this new investment, Larry Page, Google CEO said: “Illness and aging …...

  • Longevitize!: Essays on the Science, Philosophy & Politics of Longevity

    Sep 14, 13 • Book Excerpt, LongevityNo Comments
    Longevitize!: Essays on the Science, Philosophy & Politics of Longevity

    Containing more than 160 essays from over 40 contributors, this edited volume of essays on the science, philosophy and politics of longevity considers the project of ending aging and abolishing involuntary death-by-disease from a variety of viewpoints: scientific, technological, philosophical, pragmatic, artistic. In it you will find not only information on the ways in which …...